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Comprehensive Psychological Services for High-Risk Professions

At Resilience Rises, we understand that timely and effective psychological support is crucial in high-stress environments. Our specialised psychological services packages are designed to provide rapid, evidence-based interventions to support mental health and resilience in the face of traumatic incidents and ongoing stressors.

All our psychological services packages are delivered entirely online, leveraging robust, evidence-based approaches that have been proven to be just as effective as in-person interventions. This online format not only makes these valuable services more accessible to organisations and individuals across various locations, including internationally, and also ensures that your team can receive the support they need without the logistical challenges of travel or in-person sessions.

Acute Incident Psychological Response

Rapid Psychological Response

  • Overview: Rapid psychological support for traumatic incidents.
  • Objective: Provide fast psychological support following a traumatic incident to help process the event and potentially prevent the onset of PTSD.

Package Outline

  • Rapid Psychological Response Team: Trained psychologists available to respond from 24-48 hours post-incident.
  • Individual or Group Debriefing Session: Psychological first aid and debriefing to stabilise individuals and/or facilitated group sessions if the incident was shared by a team.
  • Monitoring and Referral: Ongoing monitoring for symptoms of PTSD and referral to long-term care if necessary.

Psychological Assessment

Expert Psychological 


  • Overview: Comprehensive psychological evaluation.
  • Objective: Gain a thorough understanding of staff members' mental health and resilience levels, provide clinical recommendations and help with onward referrals.

Package Outline

  • Initial Consultation: A personalised meeting to discuss your background and specific concerns.
  • Assessment Tools: Utilisation of validated psychological tests and semi-structured interviews.
  • Detailed Report: Comprehensive report on findings, highlighting areas of concern or potential issues.
  • Actionable Recommendations: Suggestions for further actions or treatments based on the assessment results and help with onward referrals to providers.

Psychological Assessment & Treatment

Expert Psychological Assessment & Treatment

  • Overview: Comprehensive psychological assessment and treatment provided by highly trained psychologists.
  • Objective: Provide a comprehensive psychological service including assessment and treatment based on clinical recommendations.

Package Outline

  • Initial Assessment: A comprehensive psychological assessment to determine individual needs.
  • Personalised Treatment Plan: A tailored treatment plan created based on the assessment results.
  • Psychological Therapy Sessions: Therapy sessions provided by highly trained psychologists using a range of evidence-based  therapies, tailored to the individual's treatment plan.
  • Progress Monitoring: Continuous monitoring to track progress and adjust the treatment plan as necessary.
  • Final Assessment: A concluding evaluation to measure improvements and summarise treatment.

Intensive Psychological Treatment

Intensive Psychological Treatment

  • Overview: Comprehensive psychological assessment and intensive trauma treatment provided within a two-week period by highly trained psychologists.
  • Objective: Provide individualised intensive psychological treatment for PTSD/complex PTSD within a condensed, two-week period based on clinical recommendations.

Package Outline

  • Initial Assessment: The programme begins with a comprehensive psychological assessment to ensure that the treatment is tailored specifically to the individual.
  • Personalised Treatment Plan: Based on the results of the initial assessment, a bespoke trauma treatment plan is developed. 
  • Psychological Therapy Sessions: Therapy sessions provided within a two-week period by our team of highly trained psychologists. These sessions utilise a range of evidence-based trauma therapies, selected and adapted to fit the individual treatment plan.
  • Progress Monitoring: Progress will be continuously monitored throughout the programme. Regular check-ins allow for adjustments to the treatment plan as necessary, ensuring that the therapy remains aligned with evolving needs. 
  • Final Assessment: At the conclusion of the two weeks, a final assessment is conducted to measure the improvements made during the programme. This assessment provides a summary of progress and offers recommendations for any further steps.


Why Choose Resilience Rises?

  • Expertise: Our team of psychologists are highly trained and specialised in frontline occupations and trauma-focused therapies.
  • Confidentiality: We prioritise confidentiality and handle all information with the utmost sensitivity.
  • Accessibility: Our services are online making them easily accessible and available nationally as well as internationally.

Next Steps:

Contact Dr Kat Aguilera today for a free video strategy call.

Together, we'll tailor a psychological service package that aligns perfectly with your unique challenges and goals.

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